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At Gunthorpe Primary School, our intention is to:

- Promote positive attitudes and enthusiasm towards Mathematics.

- Develop confidence and competence with numbers and the number system (both written and mentally) through the application of a 'concrete - abstract - pictorial' learning journey where explanation and reasoning opportunities are embedded alongside problem-solving. 

- Ensure a progressive development of mathematical concepts, knowledge, skills and vocabulary across the school, in line with the National Curriculum 2014, using a 'Mastery for All' approach. 

- Develop an ability to explore Mathematics - both independently and collaboratively - in a range of contexts with confidence, flexibility and a logical approach. 

- Undertake mathematical enquiry, communicating ideas using reasoning, the application of mathematical understanding and precise mathematical vocabulary. 

- Appropriately challenge learners of all abilities. 


Times Tables:

Children should be practising their times tables at home to support their learning in school.

All children have a Tackling Tables log on for them to play and practise their times tables from a device at home.

Times tables homework is be set on a weekly basis for children from Year 1 onwards.

Children will be exposed to the following times tables in each year group. Children may need more time to embed times tables they have been taught previously, they will be supported in school do this.

The following websites will be useful in helping your child at home:

   Please reach out to your child's class teacher if you have any queries about any aspects of Maths learning.