Sports Premium
Following the success of the London 2012 Olympics the government agreed to fund primary schools to provide a lasting legacy from the games and develop children's enjoyment of sport and physical activity from an early age. At Gunthorpe Primary School our sports premium funding for 2023-2024 will be £19,560. This funding is ring fenced and schools must be able to evidence all of their spending.
Sport is an important part of our school curriculum and vision at Gunthorpe Primary School. We believe that when children actively participate in school sport and physical activity it has positive repercussions on their overall well-being and quality of school life.
We are very excited about the opportunities this funding presents to us and there is a lot of work going on to put in place programmes of learning, coaching sessions for our staff, and local network of competitions for a variety of competitive sports and the development of stronger community links with a number of parties. We are also widening our choice of after-school clubs to offer children the chance to take part in some new sports and activities.
We have an ongoing link with Arthur Mellows Village College, which provide our staff and children with many different opportunities through sports, including training upper key stage children to become play leaders and giving our children the chance to participate in a variety of different festivals and competitions.
Our 2023-2024 target for the end of KS2 is for children to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres is 80%.